

A 4 day adventure that I'll never forget. At the time for all the wrong reasons.

Now that more time has passed by, the right reasons remain in the memory.

The trip started just outside of LAX Airport at Eagle Riders and a route was charted to take in:

•Orange County

•The Grand Canyon via Phoenix

•Las Vegas

•Los Angeles

Sneak Preview...

Every story has to start somewhere. This one might as well begin with an exclamation made by a Mexican mechanic.

"So uhhh where you thinkin of goin?"

I don't need to describe him to you. Just carry on picturing and hearing the cliché you already have in your head.

I answered. He looked at me, then looked back at the bike...looked at me again (eyes wider) and back at the bike. One final look at me said it all, but this time he did seem to be privy to the inner workings of my own mind.

"On this!?" (huge inflection towards the end of a very brief statement/question).

Was my gulp audible? I don't think so. His next statement (or was there a smidge of a question in there too?) only marginally negated the horror induced by his first.

"Welllll, you look tough to meee!"

I needed to be tough for this trip? I wasn't particularly feeling it. Looking tough was at least a start.