

[Not actually figured the significance of this one out myself yet...it might have to change]

For some reason, towards the end of University and continuing until around 2005 (when wheels were put in motion for Transmission 6-10), I became a prolific poet - probably quantity over quality mind you.

Possibly recreationally induced (those daze are behind me)...certainly being broken hearted more often than not helped (judging by the burgeoning 'Lover' chapter). It wasn't just poetry though. Screenplays were worked on, piano music composed - the floodgates of creativity were left wide open, for a while at least. It is time to share it all, and hopefully add to the folio in the future.


Under the guise of different facets of my personality and experiences, each chapter represents a certain genre.

I should preface this by stating that my command of grammar is rather limited. When I first wrote the 200+ poems, they were each written in a single session. I didn't like the idea of sitting there and endlessly trying to refine and perfect something that was gushing out of me with a life of its own. Now, some 10-15 years later I might tweak one here or there...it isn't like I can't preserve the untainted and raw originals for posterity and comparison.

Who knows...perhaps on my touring I shall do some poetry reading. At the very least I could put my cap on the pavement and just start blurting them out to earn some sympathy coins. The truth is, very few people have read or heard any of them.

This first one actually got published...though on reflection I think they refer to it as a vanity publication because it was submitted rather than solicited. 


What the Dreamer said...

When the light of day before our eyes into our minds by night’s confined!

When dreams deceive our daily sights,

And take our minds on nightly flights -

Where sprites persist, for eyes shut tight,

Can see no more, the rites of light!

When dreams conspire to steel our sight,

And plague our minds with nightly flights -

Is dark now bright and wrong be right,

Despite our fears from-out the light?

When dreams do mould our fading sight,

And force our minds on nightly flights -

What monsters fight displays of might,

To rightly rule lands lost of light?

When dreams control our every sight,

And place our minds on nightly flights,

Do bite we our soft covers tight,

For fright of blight in lifeless light?

When dreams design our thoughts and sights,

And make our minds bear nightly flights -

I cite it that the souls soul plight,

Be seek respite, from site-less light.


What the Empath said...

A wasted seed!

With eyes burning deep into my soul, he stared at me.

I said nothing, for I could not speak!

Instead, I starred back at him.

In my mind and his, I believe, was the same question.


I knelt. I wanted to be closer to the child that lay before me!

No sound betrayed our inner thoughts.

I called upon a smile – a difficult task when without reason!

He blinked. I stole this opportunity to wipe away the embryo of a tear!

Why was he so calm?

I scooped him up, and held him in my arms.

So light and limp was his form, that I noticed not his presence within mine!

Above what lay below I held him, and apologised!

In my soul the sun no-longer shone. Yet from out his eyes I saw its rays!

“Why?” This time aloud I spoke!

The wind swept his hair from across his face. I swear that in that instant I saw an Angel!

So young! Such an innocent! So very short an existence!

I tilted my head back, and looked upon the endless sky.

He, still starring at me, blinked but once more!

It was over!  A life not yet found was lost forever!

With blank expression, I placed him back upon the earth.

I wept as never before, nor ever again, in my still living life!


Stone on stone on still warm flesh, I buried him, and prayed.

One last pebble, so one last glimpse at what the world would miss!

A final kiss – but why?

Standing, on shaken legs, I turned, and never looked back!

Oh why?


What the Lover said...

She I loved

I once was as a bubble, wondrously fragile, floating freely in the air!

You were the wind that carried me along, aloft above the treacherous ground!

Yet your direction you did change, and so swiftly this occurred, that my essence did disperse!

No-longer be I floating freely in the air, but fallen to floor, and in despair.


What Else was said...

Childhood dreams, once realised, may not be so sweet!

When I was a boy; I played Cowboys and Indians, Knights and Maidens and soldiers at war.

When I was a boy; I had dreams of valour, I had dreams of honour, and of glories galore.

So once I was a man, I joined the army; I became a Commander, to help settle the score!

But now that I’m fighting (this battle we’re loosing), it’s not fun anymore. Wars' not fun anymore!

Mother I’m dying...all I hear is the screaming, and there’s blood on the floor. There’s blood on the floor!

Alas, it’s all over. My hands left out stretching. My body needs fetching.

What was it all for? What was it all for?


One of the reasons I am going to live the life of a hermit in the mountains of southern France, is so that I have the time and freedom of mind to finish off some screenplays. I also quite like the idea of committing some of my poetry to camera and making short, arty-farty films with them. As for my piano composition...eventually it is to become a Concerto (all the other instruments will be added digitally because I can't play anything else) - the ambition for the piece would be to make an animated film of it (like Peter and the Wolf).