Biking Kit

Over the last year I have amassed quite an array of kit to facilitate my biking...ranging from cooling devices to noise reduction, cleaning to maintenance. Each piece has been carefully selected for its practicality, affordability, and usually, mult-functionality.

I got some pretty cool canisters, made by North Face, so that distinct categories could be kept separate from one another and easy to pull out of a pannier to either use, or take with me if I choose to ditch the luggage for a day or two.



W24, L/D12cm @ 1kg maximum weight

Comprised of:-

[All four canisters seen here packed in one half of the left hand side pannier]

ORANGE CANISTER @ 0.78 of 1kg:-

Biking kit...used to facilitate riding in 

comfort and safety across 4 seasons.

GREY CANISTER @ 1.15kg of 1kg:-

Cleaning Kit...I'm not going to win any prizes 

for the naming convention.

BLACK CANISTER @ 0.78 of 1kg:-

Spares guessed it!

RED CANISTER @ 0.6 of 1kg:-

Repairs kit...umm, for on-the-road repairs!

Other bits of Biking Kit include...

Although my mechanic skills are extremely limited, I shall be taking with me a selection of tools for on-the-road repairs...or at least just tightening up loosened shinny bits.

[pics and vids]

*Page currently under construction*