Filming Kit

Below is a breakdown of the Filming Kit I shall be touring with. Since space is a preimuim, I probably won't be adding to this. My background in filming comes from making Transmission 6-10, which was shot on a Sony HVR Z1. Switching to using an iPhone and iPad is a bit of a challenge, but a massive space saver, and since I use the iPhone and iPad for a number of other tasks, it makes sense to utilise their filming capabilities.



•Camera 1 = iPhone 6s

•Camera 2 = iPad Air

•Camera 3 = Drift Ghost S


iOgraphers for iPhone and iPad

[Sony HVR Z1 setup]

[How it looks all together...well, is a LOT of kit! To get  shot of it all in one setup I'm going to have to convince someone to take a photo of it all for me, since both iProds will be in the pic.]


•Selfie Stick

•Mooni Bluetooth Shutter Remote

•Flexible Clamp and Sun Shield/Reflector

•Lens Cleaning Kit (blower, brush, solution & cloth)

•Screen Cleaning Pad

Each piece of kit was carefully researched prior to purchase, to ensure a balance was struck between affordability, functionality, durability and dimensions. The associated blog for this page will detail the process and provide prices paid for each item. The total weight of the Filming Kit is approximately 6kg...which is pretty amazing considering its versatility compact sizes.

[pics and vids to be added]

*Page currently under construction*