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This is a tricky one. I've an educational background in business, but this is unchartered territory for me as I've always self-funded my projects by using savings. I'm now running low on savings, and there are always running a costs for a project that have to be covered to keep it going.

I live a fairly lean-and-mean life, in many ways, and have survived quite happily on minimum wage...however, for the past 15 years my daily food has been predominantly paid for and so has my accommodation - part of the package when working at home for the family...if my coffee expenses (addiction) was thrown in I'd be a rich man. When touring that is all going to change (except probably the coffee addiction). I don't know how much funding I will start off with, but I can guarantee that whatever it, is will dwindle daily.

All I can do is provide content that is enticing enough, to solicit an audience engaged and active enough, to make a viable Social Media business. I'd also like to team up with businesses. Please go to the following page (Businesses) if your operation is interested in what Transmissions.Center can offer you.

To the general population of planet is over to you......

Click it, Like it, Link it, Share it, Post it, Tweet.....Repeat:-

I have been contemplating this for a while now. Blogging and Vlogging could be enough to see me get by, with the right marketing strategy and outreach program...especially if businesses get involved with the project.

Social Media links and information.


We all need t-shirts, baseball caps, mugs, fridge magnets and coasters...don't we?


Sure...i'd be up for that - if it is possible to be paid to bore people half to death, sign me up! Given time to prepare I could make for an entertaining evening...certainly there will be plenty of footage and photos to share on a big screen and I'll have the equipment with me to facilitate that.

We aren't talking presidential prices here...just enough to get me to the venue and cover accommodation for a few nights should do it.

*Waiver...actual death as a result of boredom is not the responsibility of Transmissions.Center,

its creator, nor any party associated with the project*

Crowd Funding and Donations:-

I've not really explored this option sufficiently to comment further, other than saying it might be an option.

Wealthy Benefactor:-

Perhaps someone will step in and help out...should I be cougar hunting - or am I too old to be a toy-boy?

Don't answer that!


Seriously...I'm not above this. I could sing, do impressions, make a fool of myself and have a cap at the ready - it would, however, take up a lot of time to achieve not much. Standing still like a statue isn't my thing...though I did do that once when I was 10, outside of a hotel awaiting my parents. It wasn't purposeful, I just zoned out (through boredom no doubt). Out of the corner of my eye I could see a Japanese family staring at me...the father was encouraged to approach...he touched me on the shoulder and I turned to greet him - the shock on their faces when they realised I was real! That was back in 1987...maybe I should be getting commission from all those who do that on the streets today.

Nude Modelling:-

Done that before too. Funny story.


In true hobo style, I like the idea of picking up odd jobs here and there before moving on to the next town. The reality is that as a professional Blogger, Vlogger and Reviewer, I shall be working all the time anyway...constantly making notes, taking photos, shooting footage and piecing it together.


Carry on living lean-and-mean (eat and sleep cheap, leaving funds for fuel and fun). If I buy everything I think I will need before I set off, baring on-going bike repairs etc, there shouldn't be much else I require other than the occasional change of clothing garments as I wear them out.

*With the subject matter of Transmission 6-10 being what it is, no money

(not now nor ever) is involved with the project other than it being sustained*