

[235: CinemaScope ratio of 2.35:1]

Confession time. When it comes to the movies, I am a total slut! I will watch, and mostly enjoy, almost any type of film...from Documentaries to Dramas, Comedies to Kung Fu - you name it, I've most likely seen it. I much prefer watching films than television, and going to the cinema has always been a massive part of my life. Stands to reason that, eventually, I'd turn my hand to producing a piece of film myself - though when I did, I kinda fell into it rather than proactively setting out to make one.

I'll probably throw in a few film quotes and references throughout this site, so keep an eye out for them - and if you are lucky, I'll do some impressions in the vlogs.

A first Movie Review. Experimenting with an easily digestible and dynamic format to express a general impression of films I watch, along with a rating from 0-10 and essential information:

Managed to do a typo (can I blame it on that, rather than ignorance born of being in a hurry?) for Story Arc! Oops.

The lovely Lake Bell 'Liked' this first Transmissions.Center Tweet 👍🏻

A good way to get this set of wheels rolling.


Internet Movie Database (IMDb)...



Watch List

A short film which was produced to raise the profile of Transmission 6-10 caught the eye of Oscar winning director Kevin Macdonald. A meeting with him in the summer of 2008 proved to be the turning point for the project. Out of his own generosity he hired Ben Lester (who worked with him on the inspirational documentary Touching the Void) to edit down our 3hr documentary. Two weeks work resulted in a 30min introductory documentary to the subject matter. From that point the project took on an entirely different, and more professional, direction.

During the production period of T610, a guy who offered to help with  vastly more experience than I (a professional designer by trade, he actually created the art work for 12 Monkeys), invited me to do a Podcast with him. We became Haggis & Month (he an angry Scott, and me an eccentric English Gent - I wonder if there are any episodes still floating around on the net...geeze, I hope not). It was a fantastic experience. Every week I'd meet him in Soho, London, and we'd go and watch films at preview screenings. How amazing...sitting there knowing that what we were about to see wasn't even released yet. I was never very critical (slut!), unless a film was particularly bad - an example of that being Superbad (title said it all really).

Look what I just found!!

Haggis & Monty

The first videos (I'm that old) we rented as kids were Clash of the Titans and For Your Eyes Only. Mum and dad were going out for the night and we had a baby sitter (don't recall who I fancied more...the baby sitter or Carole Bouquet) coming over to look after us. We watched Clash of the Titans before they even left the house.

From that point onwards I've watched at least 2 movies, on average, a week at a guess (some, several dozen times e.g. Jaws, Star Wars and Ivanhoe). My spreadsheet of favourite films (geek) should be immense, but needs working on before I upload it here...for now a gallery of just a tiny portion and cross section of favourites at different times of my life can be seen below.

[Just realised there are 13 examples...that number is so engrained in my psyche that I don't even realise I am using it! I could easily use one of my other favourite numbers, 28, to represent a cross section of favourite movies]

Whilst touring I shall certainly be making a habit of going to the movies (already packed 3D Glasses). My intention is to write reviews about them for here and IMDb. To be honest, I never read critical reviews of films (flashback...loved Leonard Maltin from Entertainment Tonight...he seemed a pretty positive dude to me when I was a kid). 

Most critics, most of the time, I don't have any time for. Some critics, some of the time, write timeless critiques. I'll try and emulate the latter.