

[8: Not just the number of prosperity in Hong Kong, but representing infinity & intertwining]

In addition to the 'Core Subjects' (which will receive regular transmissions) the 'Intertwined Subjects' are those that crop up in most of what I do by virtue of their importance and interest to me.

What do I mean by all this?

Subject T89   = Creative Writing

Over the years, and especially during and immediately after my University days, I was fairly prolific in churning out literary masterpieces - well, I thought they were good...no publishers agreed. I might as well share them with the world. I'm thinking the poetry could be spoken to camera...a progression on that would be to add mood music and perhaps animation (which there is no chance of me doing myself because I am a lousy artist).

Subject T123 = Natural Splendour

I've always had a deep love of all things natural. Having spent 16 years as a landscaper I managed to pic up a few bits of useful information and knowledge on the subject of gardens. Whenever I am at an attraction that has a stunning garden, I wouldn't do a dedicated Blog Vlog & Review on it, but I would capture footage, photos and musings. After visiting several gardens and landscapes around the world I will put together a few pieces dedicated to such splendour. 

Subject T144 = Esoteric Observations 

Hidden...but not hard to find...I'll let you stumble upon it to learn more.

Subject T235 = Film & Filming

Being a Vlogger, of sorts, I obviously have a fascination with this particular medium of expression. The making of Transmission 6-10 opened my eyes to how easy it has become for almost anyone to make a film. These days the process has become even more straightforward. Perhaps some top tips will be shared about the experience, but most certainly I intend to review whatever movies I watch.

Subject T358 = Technology & Kit

Despite living off a motorbike (until the T2 is fully up and running), I seem to have amassed an enormous amount stuff. As space is a premium (along with budget), a great amount of research went in to each purchase. I'll be sharing my decision making process and what I have discovered, pros and cons, about the more major investments. To get you started, check out GEAR sidebar.