

[5: senses, fingers, toes, torso appendages]

I've always loved physical activity...never seen the point in having a body that wasn't actually used - therefore I take a functional approach to my training...when on the road, this will be particularly applicable as I shall have no equipment and only sporadic access to gyms.

I'm in the middle of making a transition from traditional training techniques to being more Calisthenics inclined - wish I'd done Parkour as a kid...perhaps it's not too late.

Currently an associated website is being put together for Subject 5, which collates all my knowledge on how to not just live a life, but how to live one in a physically and mentally optimal manner...introducing:

Transmissions.Center: Subject5

It's all about making progress and never stagnating. Constantly improving oneself to measure up against a personal ideal.


My professional background for Subject T5: Health & Fitness, is one of becoming an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer in 1995 (whilst studying A-Level Sports Science). Since then I have undertaken a plethora of varied Continuing Education Certificates to maintain my qualification as an ACE PT:

•Functional Training - 2005

•The Essence of Bodyweight Training - 2007

•Enlighten Your Body - 2009

•Kickboxing Fitness - 2011

•Pilates Mat Training - 2011

•ACE's Traditional Aerobics and Step Training - 2011

•Group Strength Training - 2011

•Medicine Ball for All - 2011

•Mindful Exercise Overview for Fitness - 2011

•Empower Self Defense - 2013

•Proctive Postural Restructuring - 2015

The making of Transmission 6-10 took its toll on me in almost every way imaginable; mentally, emotionally, physically, financial, socially and spiritually. The only one of those aspects of life I have fully recovered from is the physical. Ballooning to 94kg, from around 74kg, I am currently at a sustainable 66kg (the point at which I took the plunge and started purchasing clothes - chiefly my biking Outfit - with the long term in mind).

[I now feel I can walk-the-walk whilst I talk-the-talk and not consider myself to be a fraud]